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If You Do Not Crusade For Your Own Success Who Will?
Coach Freeborn’s Success Paradigm
By Roger Freeborn
Published: Spring 2001

Your own personal success should come first. It should be your top priority. Too often we get so caught up in doing other things for other people that we forget to put ourselves first. And it must be a Crusade. The definition of a Crusade is: any vigorous concerted movement for a cause undertaken with zeal and enthusiasm. What better cause than your own personal success? Become a zealot while working on and for yourself.
Adults often encourage students to get a job under the guise that they are learning “Responsibility.” Sports Illustrated, a number of years ago, cited a study which set out to determine the Number 1 indicator of future success shared by adults who are top performers in our society--the activity that they most had in common from their formative years. They learned it was not their G.P.A., their SAT score, or the job that they had during high school. They discovered the number one predictor of success as an adult was successful participation in extra-curricular activities as a teen. How responsible is it when adults encourage youngsters to go to work instead of turning out for the team?
Frosty Westerling, Pacific Lutheran University football coach, authored a great book, Make The Big Time Where You Are. Every one is involved in something. Wherever you are; whatever you are doing; make the big time where you are.
I am involved in education. Every year I witness students living their life in absentia. They have their priorities turned around. They forego participation in activities and programs that society provides them as teenagers. Instead, they look for a job so they can buy a car, so they can get to their job. What a crime it is for them to get caught on that treadmill at such a young age.
High School students should be involved in high school activities. How would a high school student make the big time? There are lots of ways to make the big time as a high school student: 4.0 GPA; 1500 SAT score; All-American Athlete; National Merit Finalist; outstanding musician, writer, thespian. Take a look around you. What would it take to make the big time where you are, right now. Determine what specific characteristic, traits and behaviors would be exhibited by a “Big Timer” in your situation and go for it. Crusade for it. Become a zealot for you own success.
A zealot is a fanatically committed person. It takes that kind of attitude to run a crusade. It’s your life. It’s your future. Who else is there that would be more committed to see you succeed than you (besides your mother who has always been your best crusader)? Making the big time where you are today will give you bigger, more rewarding opportunities tomorrow.
We at BFS are dedicated to helping athletes succeed. And now with our Be An 11 Seminars, the BFS philosophy is expanding to the classroom and the community so that everyone might benefit. The BFS program exists to help you achieve your potential. Anthony Robbins, famous success coach and mentor, states that “success leaves clues and if you sow the same seeds, you get the same results.” BFS is a program that has empowered thousands of athletes to perform at levels previously thought to be impossible--taught them how to sow the seeds of success. BFS is a program that will take you to the top now and keep you there. Personal achievement takes effort. You cannot win it in a lottery or inherit it from a rich relative. We at BFS are committed to helping you make sure that your efforts are headed in the right direction.
What you do on a daily basis with zeal, enthusiasm and commitment becomes an upward, hyper-spiral of possibilities. Become your best Crusader!

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