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SE $7?ACb})E3R`)E>bL(b?E~JaҊ(H~MSJ(!u?ZPqESs. Our average varsity starter bench presses 304 pounds, power cleans 226 pounds, box squats 458 pounds, and squats 400 pounds. <br>Our baseball program is so convinced and our progress is so dramatic that our football team has changed their strength training program to BFS. Our basketball program also was using a successful college strength program and began using the BFS Total Program four months ago. They have experienced tremendous strength and speed improvements like our baseball program has. It is so exciting now that our football, basketball and baseball programs are all on the BFS Total Program. Since we share athletes, it creates un>Photo Nine shows how easy it is to tilt the bar. You can do it with one finger. If you grab the bar in an attempt to  save your teammate and tilt your side higher than the other side, you can actually hurt your teammate. How would you like to have 400 pounds on your shoulders and be tilted sideways as shown in Photo Nine? You would be fortunate to avoid a back injury. Side spotters must always keep the bar level. <br>Side Spotting thrk with the regular faculty and the student body?<br>Brooks: Certainly, and I try to be as assessable as possible. I get a lot of requests for individual programs, but sometimes I just have to tell them I m just too busy and can only give them general guidelines. But, at the same time, we also have physical education classes for the student body, from beginning to advanced, to help these individuals. <br><br>BFS: Do you work will all the varsity sports?<br>Brooks: I try, and I ve even worked with JV and club sports. Also, I take a backup role with the football and lacrosse teams as they have their own primary strength coach. In fact, they use many aspects of the BFS program.<br><br>BFS: When you first came to Williams, were the students receptive to your training methods and how do they respond to what you are doing now?<br>Brooks: Most of the comments were positive about my changes right from the get-go. The students here are scholar-athletes and as such naturally want to not just what to do, but why they are doing it. If you can justify what you are doing and why this would best for them, that goes a long way. This includes my choices in equipment purchases and weightroom design.<br><br>BFS: Are the athletes working out at the same time as the regular student body?<br>Brooks: Yes  that s probably the hardest part of my job: to coordinate any kind of lifts, especially with teams. With teams we either go early in the morning when it s not too busy, or after 7:00 p.m. If we try to go between 4 and 7, that s when there are no classes and everyone in the world is in there.<br><br>BFS: If a non-athlete is using a platform, the athletes would not get preferential treatment by you asking the non-athlete to leave?<br>Brooks: I could kindly ask tw[M χgf5Zv ?ZGؽ(ջKzN$K(ߏ&6 3ojaK=,ZM:s#>뢹) #z䯈vĴ~v5sq , z n1)Ă8 %jS$[mgҞIz)=0A21pGC\K 'q{bp$קj4ufy A/٣";֧d%jwb[pCgwX[#qu襵n_0N5+Ȯ'?c{pe˵;4qa E=V[(X'hVRQ+XAHBVX11[&`O\d)$oJ.WK(l» R MAyr!xֶ=&7m('^xaM%沪tA;Nx$~DWCHt&8Az"23HN:(9x$'HCAoption value = "35" >North Dakota</option> <option value = "36" >Ohio</option> <option value = "37" >Oklahoma</option> <option value = "38" >Oregon</option> <option value = "39" >Pennsylvania</option> <option value = "40" >Rhode Island</option> <option value = "41" >South Carolina</option>wsN72ƅlpz%鴾Xq[cH՚b?wJZSvWiQXV׍{glƄ4D|M*Y<[m VE9ƿ&}omoD?/Co'Š@a"VBF$B?R 6t=sVR A,B޽2~Z^\H]BKٳ11iVT/ Z^eyCs 'ea$3!0 {^S[Ij]+e?1~M ,Fԩ=Ul)((*-;]ݽyV QB6O̙x 1rrn,Q^Io^e, ?~.9WaΥ4[iԄfZ3|+L2Q$;CJ qNA5W^5u r?R"ϖH4k] T3.Gm+8~8WhGGha忐rzwvGѐWw<!zc|fdsWx f$*{%2H ҽZhZtWr+oxءY% #H>/ݰÖD߹Ϛ9cdik 2ϢXWg+n6wFfs=!x=j)87Fҵ[BHԮ_O&ɮKfI<8,FԴ|7_#z"SA!ju'U K×.fטybȬ&_;k*y  44D:t%د[Z!4nvc6iFdailj0A{+EW>oڌ`[(U_O; [_[8hwa熛ƲݓˠMj㏆>/HM8-GN=FFu>$?x]iЊYhz5szaigjOouԟo6Ո@`||{n`fdd, i`qgj˖ F'Açz3E3/"mP?~LA,z oq$ æe3}Kd(a6M؃9#׼0ʖ1 ҜND'WrqU2eTK뿨K7K2Ak4.ַ$Q+ƿ4O{ibb1qğ.v;G4`1\w Ş$VmS鬨(ӝ2rt_$&G H+OpUӯ5S xF|Fbg\P'E,P%HAUw f5,wA_5A _-iO#F#%;bdM/uӸ~ǿ96o~VjBy-=Յقt+H9~ʿB\n]g80e#o. 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