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You're going to get into the weight room and you're going to learn how to squat and you're going to learn how to teach others to squat. We're coaches helping coaches, and it's this hands-on approach that separates BFS from other certifications.<BR><BR>What's a typical clinic experience?<BR>Every clinic is special because it's always a thrill for me to see kids doing things they didn't think they could do. One of my favorites was a clinic I gave at Park Falls High School in Park Falls, Wisconsin. <BR>At that clinic I met a young football player by the name of Joel Becker. I knew Joel had a lot of potential, but he was being overlooked because his team at the time wasn't having much success. I wrote a personal recommendation for Joel to Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau, and that helped him receive a partial scholarship. Joel played so well for the school that the partial scholarship turned into a full scholarship and he earned a college degree. Helping Joel fulfill his dreams was one of my most gratifying accomplishments, but there have also been countless others.<BR><BR>Give us an idea of the facilities you have at your school.<BR>Our weight room is about 3,000 square feet and it's completely carpeted. As for equipment, you could say we have three of everything: three benches, three squat racks, three neck machines, three power clean platforms, three glute-hams, three deadlift platforms, three incline benches, three lat machines and three calf machines. We also have BFS dot drill pads, dip stands, two BFS Lethal Weapons, dumbbells progressing from three to 75 pounds, 18 barbells, and 10,000 pounds of weights. <BR><BR>How does your school implement the BFS program in its curriculum?<BR>We have weightlifting classes throughout the day, and we use the Beat the Computer program and the logbooks. The program works great for the 500-plus students I work with each year and it's enabled all our sports to be very competitive on a consistent level.<BR><BR>The BFS weight training system-what sets it apart?<BR>Wh