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They no longer had to believe because now they knew that they were champions with the 42-21 win over Holtn which gave them the honor to call themselves  1999 State Champions. <br>At the end of the 1999 season, after the Panthers savored their sweet State Championship title, senior quarterback, Kellen Bombardier, tried to express his deepest feelings for Coach Culwell. A lump formed in his throat as emotions of gratitude consumed him. He couldn't get the words out so he expressed his feelings in a letter that thanked Coach Culwell for leading them to success. Bombardier praised,  Thanks for making us believe that we could be State Champions by making us say it everyday. It was a dream come true to ply with all of my best friends and win the State Championship. NZR_BdF*|NMK-y .*-gҩ{])k4r$U zSF |*c \QUm?O:+D[nP9J[#yn_[L!}b!ۏ)'+ YiLG\DTJ)OHojVͿjus R`KXܬ rOQT t.  Right there, your wrist is perfect right there!