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When the school needed the wrestling room back this fall, we moved the weights to the bus storage room. The kids said they couldn t go without their two in-season workouts so the team went down and pulled out the squat racks, benches and bars for the power clean and we did our workouts in that cramped area. The kids wouldn t have it any other way.<br>____________________<br><br>BFS: Do you have all sports doing BFS?<br><br>Strength Coach Godfrey: We have girls gymnastics, girls volleyball, baseball, wrestling, boys basketball, football and the throwers in track doing BFS. I think that soon the remaining few will be doing it too.<br>____________________<br><br>BFS: How do the girls like the program?<br><br>Strength Coach Godfrey: I have a lot of girls on the program. They love the program too. It is great to have them in the weight room because they have no egos when working out. The boys are learning a lot from the girls. The girls are dedicated to perfect technique and know that with perfect technique, the weight will follow.<br><br>____________________<br><br>Thank you Coach Ewald and Coach Godfrey for sharing your championship experiences with us. You are both true Elevens!D#AOjtMTqڟ#@B`q#o;Z+Wv7c^rsgU=\Ԍs*5ВDE_zE#SMYVT֬FG@3O~< $w$bG==*STnx():Ԑzӣ@d+kw Lq5zC34!3GƷA؍O͓4 w8<1u隟.&x'W:ż#n=XMZ{E욝fLQom5hW +Y#-F2Q$W<.zW92jSoiXǧ^ ǁqY.<K4ܬ f&/KO2 ϰɫPpsz iڤ?"ںl-[,A[|O?iq9aS?뙩X~~VoO{3Her victory aired on ESPN2 and she continues to receive incredible coverag in all the national golf journals. Her win also opened the door for LPGA events and what appears to be a lucrative and long-lasting careerin the sport. All this, while maintaining a 4.43 GPA at Martinsville!<br>Leigh Anne's succss is due to her dedication, regimented training program and innate athletic skills. She has ben following the Bigger Faster Stronger program under coach Marc Anderson's direction. She's performed a 240-pound squat and 135-pound bench. She doesn't perfom the clean. She also has 24-inch vertical jump.<br>Preparing for the Jnior Nationals, Leigh Anne spent countless hours practicing at the driving range at nearby Foxcliff Country Club in Martinsville. There she worked under the watchful eye of her father, Steve Hardin. Steve played basketball at Butler University forlegend Tony Hinkle. No one prepared a team more thoroughly than Hinkle, and Steve had learned to pay close attention.<br>As Leigh Anne meticulously hit 100 chip shots then began lofting 100 half-wedge pitches, her dad scurried from place to place with quick, short strides, studying his daughter's stroke from all angles. <br> Good tempo, Leigh Anne, he'd shout.  Right there, your wrist is perfect right there! and  Head down, Leigh Anne. Just like that! <br>Foxcliff's head professional, Brian Sears, recalls heading out to the chipping green oe morning last summer.  All tree of the Hardin kids were out there in their rain suits. Steve was holding an