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This is where Mark unchained the beast and won the NCAA Championship three times!<br>In 1982 Ed Banach was going to be the first four-time NCAA champion in history. To make things exciting Mark moved up a weight class from 167 lbs. to do battle with Banach in the 177 lb class. Mark cleaned house when he beat Banach in the finals 16-8 and was named the Outstanding Wrestler at the NCAA finals. Mike Chapman, editor and publisher of W.I.N. magazine called it the second greatest match in NCAA history. Larry Owings defeat of Dan Gable is considered to be the greatest.<br><br>THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP<br> <br>After college, Mark tried out for the World team and made it. He placed seventh while Dave took first. Next came the 1984 Olympics where Mark and Dave both, took gold medals. Mark won the 1985 World Championship, and considered it to be the best tournament he ever wrestled. In 1987 he found himself grinning again with another gold medal, in the World Championship.<br>Mark claims he got his belief in God through wrestling. He remembers all the really tough life-changing matches. He did every thing he possibly could to prepare for them. Mark realized that God had always been watching over him as he wrestled. When Mark went to the 1984 Olympics, his first match of the tournament was against the European Champion, Resit Karabajak from Turkey. Karabajak had beaten all the Soviet Block wrestlers that boycotted the 1984 Olympics and was ranked #1 in the world. Mark said,  I went back to the hotel and sweated for two hours, knowing that my first match would be the gold medal match. <br>When the whistle blew and the wrestling commenced, Mark broke Karabajak's elbow and pinned him with a double wrist lock. He was disqualified for excessive brutality, but since it was a double elimination tournament and Karabajak couldn't continue, Mark could still win the gold. Mark fought his way to the next two rounds and met up with Chris Rinke. In the final minutes of the match, Mark shot in and Rinke put a body lock on him. Mark has an awesome counter for this move and scored by using it. Mark won 5-3, but during the match, Mark was thinking he could win a criteria tiebreaker if he let Rinke score to make it 4-4. A year later Mark realized had he given that point away, he would have lost. Mark claims,  God taught me it's the little things that we do with no expectation of reward that shows who we are and brings great things to pass. <br> <br>THE DUPONT TRAGEDY<br><br>John Dupont, one of the heirs to the Dupont fortune, created tragedy for himself and the Schultz brothers. The story was headline news for several weeks. Mr. Dupont was a wrestling fan and even dabbled in the sport himself. With his money, he sponsored a team and built a wonderful facility on his estate. After the 1987 world championships, the Schultz brothers became part of the Dupont's Foxcatcher wrestling team. Mark remembered with remorse in his eyes,  I think Dupont is someone who was self centered and overly concerned with his own personal gratification. I was a very happy guy, and he made me miserable. Mark further explained how Dupont had a way of sucking the life out of you.<br>Trying to concentrate on training for the Olympics made it very difficult being around Dupont. Mark feels he would have been better off had he never associated with Dupont. Wrestling wasn't fun any more for Mark, so he retired. Years later, his brother Dave went to train for the 1996 Olympics with Dupont's team. On a cold January afternoon at the Dupont estate in Pennsylvania, Dave Schultz was fixing the radio in his car when Dupont pulled up in his car and shot Dave three times with a .38 caliber pistol.<br>Losing a father