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I don't know what that word means.&nbsp; I believe in giving it everything I've got while I'm playing the game.&nbsp; When I'm done, I don't want to look back and say, 'I did coast that one year.'&nbsp; I'm not like that."<BR><STRONG><U>On progress:</U>&nbsp; </STRONG>"I want to improve every year, add a little more to my game.&nbsp; I don't want to be known as a player who just scored . . . I want to be remembered as a well-rounded player who played the forward spot."<BR><STRONG><U>On year-round lifting</U>:</STRONG> "Sometimes people think you can just show up when training camp starts and start working out and conditioning in the weight room.&nbsp; I've always said my workouts in the summer are harder than any practice I've ever had and I try to prepare myself for that.&nbsp; I'm afraid not to do what I do now becs. Look at the knees. They are actually touching. The solution is t yell "knees" and even slap the inside of one knee. This seems to help the athlete get a kinesthetic feel of the problem.&nbsp;</P> <P>Photo #11 shows Matt bringing down his chin which is a very common probem with even advanced lifters. The chin shoul always be up. When the chin comes down, the bar moves forward away from the body and you lose a lot of potential jumping power as you come out of your Power Line.&nbsp;</P> <P>Photo #12 illustrates an advanced problem which I have seen with a number of Division One athletes. What is it? The feet kick back. Remember simple? Does it look like a perfect vertical jump? No, it does not. Therefore, Matt is not perfect in this photo but now look at Photo #13 and compare. Noigure, brother, best friend and hero has been a very trying a