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GREG SHEPARD ON KARL MALONE:</P> <P align=left>People always ask me how much Karl can Bench Press.&nbsp; I give them this dead pan look and say, "About 350 pounds . . . are you impressed?"&nbsp; They sort of wrinkle their forehead and answer, "Yeah, I guess."&nbsp; But, you just know they wanted to hear something like 500 pounds.&nbsp; Then I say, "Karl can Bench 350 and then sprint down to the other basket and Bench 350 again.&nbsp; Then, sprint all the way back to the other end of the court and do it again.&nbsp; And, I'd bet my last wad of bubble gum that Karl Malone could stay above 300 pounds with 100 trips up and down the court.&nbsp; Now are you impressed?"&nbsp; Every time, I get this big wide grin as they answer in the affirmative.&nbsp; Perhaps Karl Malone's biggest physical asset is his stamina.&nbsp; I have never seen anything like it.&nbsp; Watch him play!&nbsp; It's amazing to witness a 6-9 260-pound man beating everyone on the transition and score so many easy baskets with a lot of them coming in the 4th quarter. </P> <P align=left>COACH JERRY SLOAN ON KARL MALONE:</P> <P align=left>Karl has never stopped doing what we've asked him to do.&nbsp; Nobody can appreciate that more than me or our coaching staff.&nbsp; Work is something Karl Malone has never shied away from and he has reaped some reward for that with his MVP Trophy.&nbsp; </P> <P align=left>GREG OSTERTAG-Utah Jazz Center:<BR>"Karl is a crazy man in the weight room.&nbsp; If you workout with him and try to match him set for set, he will kill you."</P> <P align=left>KARL MALONE ON KARL MALONE:</P> <P align=left><STRONG><U>On missing only four games</U>:&nbsp; </STRONG>"My mother worked from 9-to-5.&nbsp; I only work two or three hours a day.&nbsp; I have never felt mentally that I&nbsp;didn't want to play a game.&nbsp; Sometimes I wish a game was on another day.&nbsp; Some days I can be down but once the game starts, I get energy from somewhere and I go out and compete.&nbsp; In this league, you have to do that because guys come at you every night."<BR><STRONG><U>On getting his 25,000th point</U>: </STRONG>"I never look over my shoulder because I'm still not satisfied.&nbsp; When we were in Atlanta, some guy asked me.&nbsp; 'Now that you've gotten 25,000 points and 10,000 rebounds, do you feel like you want to caost for the rest of your career?'&nbsp; I looked at him and said, 'I don't even coast on my Harley.' I don't know what that word means.&nbsp; I believe in giving it everything I've got while I'm playing the game.&nbsp; When I'm done, I don't want to look back and say, 'I did coast that one year.'&nbsp; I'm not like that."<BR><STRONG><U>On progress:</U>&nbsp; </STRONG>"I want to improve every year, add a little more to my game.&nbsp; I don't want to be known as a player who just scored . . . I want to be remembered as a well-rounded player who played the forward spot."<BR><STRONG><U>On year-round lifting</U>:</STRONG> "Sometimes people think you can just show up when training camp starts and start working out and conditioning in the weight room.&nbsp; I've always said my workouts in the summer are harder than any practice I've ever had and I try to prepare myself for that.&nbsp; I'm afraid not to do what I do now bec