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"I lift for football," asserted Chris, "but I really want to be the strongest guy. I can turn the adrenline switch on pretty easy. I don't want to get beat.&nbsp;</P> <P>"To get pumped for a football game is a little different because there are 5,000 people watching. I like the nervousness. I know that it's supposed to get me going, but in the weight room I've got to do it myself."&nbsp;</P> <P>Chris isn't just a Bench Press guy or a Power Lifter. He works on every facet of strength and conditioning. Chris stated, "I work on flexibility hard before and after any type of training. Flexibility is an integral part of my total program. Coach Petersen does a great job of teaching me every phase of training. I pride myself on being a complete strength and conditioning athlete. I owe a lot to Coach Petersen."&nbsp;</P> <P>Chris has been building his strength for years. "I train hard all the time," said Chris with conviction. "I plan my life around my workouts. A lot of people plan their workouts around their life. It's not that hard if you approach it right. I just make sure my workouts are done, then I play. My family and my fiancee, Donna, support my workouts 100 percent. It would be tough to do all this without them. They understand my commitment."&nbsp;</P> <P>The "President's List" is reserved for those who meet high academic standards. Chris Butterfield made that list. "I try to get it done academically. If you work hard in the classroom or in athletics, then good things will happen. &nbsp;</P> <P>"I also advise kids to stay away from drugs and alcohol to be successful. Arcata is probably like every other place in that peer pressure does exist. You either fall in or you don't. I didn't. I used my head and good sense. I thought about the consequences.&nbsp;</P> <P>"In college it is the same thing with my attitude towards drugs. I hang out with the guys on the team. Drugs are not something we choose to do. It's also a lot better if you don't abuse alcohol. Use your head. Think it out first. If you do that first, I believe kids will make the right decision."&nbsp;</P> <P>Chris belieown after a Power Clean which would also be bad. You must pick up a weight <U>or</U> set down a weight from a Jump Stance!&nbsp;</P> <P>Practice picking up the weight from the floor in a controlled motion as pictured in Photo #9. Matt has his chest spread so that his lower back really looks good. His elbows are locked and Coach Kirkman is a happy camper.&nbsp;</P> <P><STRONG>THE SIXTH STEP:</STRONG> Using the bar again, <U>practice jumping</U> once the bar is just above the knees. Use the same technique as when the dowel was used. Concentrate on jumping just as you would do a vertical jump. If it does not look exactly like a vertical jump, then you have done it wrong. It's that simple! Flat out simple. do not underestimate this point. This is where even Division One athletes get into trouble and where any coach can become an expert by merely looking at the lifter's knees. Simple: do the knees look like a vertical jump?&nbsp;</P> <P>Photo #10 shows a common problem especially with girls and junior high boys. Look at the knees. They are actually touching. The solution is t yell "knees" and even slap the inside of one knee. This seems to help the athlete get a kinesthetic feel of the problem.&nbsp;</P> <P>Photo #11 shows Matt bringing down his chin which is a very common prob