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Coach Culwell knew that if his team would view themselves as winners, then that is what they would be. What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Just as Thomas Edison refused to give up after failing nearly 2,000 times in inventing the light bulb, so did Coach Culwell do with Concordia. He boosted their self-esteem and ingrained in their minds that they were champions. He encouraged them to see their potential and in doing so, the team came together like a close-knit family. <br>To give Concordia that something extra to help them reach their (at one time impossible) dream of becoming State Champs, they invited BFS clinician, Rick Bojak to come to their school and put on a clinic.  It brought the team together and gave us that motivation that we needed, stated Culwell. The following season the Panthers went out to battle with everything they had. Like most success stories, it wasn't easy and without complications. They won their first four games and then lost two in a row. They lost to their archrival Belleville in double overtime 10-7, and then to Goodland 14-7. Coach Culwell explains,  It was good in a way because it brought the kids closer together. It showed them that they couldn't win if they weren't playing together as a team. It showed them that everyone had to be doing their job, without pointing fingers and bickering one with another." Through this, the Panthers rallied together. Senior Linebacker John Hake, brought his team together emotionally and mentally.  He is the heart and soul of our team, exhorted Coach Culwell.  He always stood up as a leader and gave a heart-touching motivational pep talk before each game. That little extra inspiration helped each player reach deep down inside for strength when times got tough. <br>Concordia had learned from their losses and were ready to battle together as a team and win. The Panthers stunned the defending State Champion, Topeka Hayden, with a 27-14 victory in the 4-A bi-district game. Tailback, Josh Williams, despite playing with a broken bone in his right hand, carried the ball 34 times for 254 yards. Culwell praised,  That was a great effort. He is a true warrior. Next came a big game against unbeaten 10-0 Kingman. The Panthers demolished them easily with a 16-0 shutout victory. This advanced them into the semi-finals of the State Playoffs for the first time in history. Things were getting heated up and the Panthers were on a roll. They barely beat Wellington 16-14 for a shot to play for state crown. <br>The State Championship game against 12-0 undefeated Holton, was Concordia's final test to see if they had what it took to wear the number one crown in the state. They faced number one ranked Holton who had outscored its three opponents in the playoffs earlier this season with a combined score of 128-20. Senior linebacker/fullback, John Hake reports,  I think that is one of our greatest weapons. We don't ever get intimid