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He said he had to explain how the lifting would develop explosive strength, such as is needed for getting off the blocks at the start. But there was more than just the concept of specificity of training--the female swimmers were put off by the lack of other women in the weight room. "I kept telling them not to let it bother them," recalls Neil, "but the psychological block about women and weight training definitely had to be addressed to get on with the program."<br>Bob Haeger, who has two daughters who swim for Dale and Mark, recalls the adjustment as gradual. "The girls wanted to do the program but were reluctant because they didn't know what it was like to lift weights. They were constantly saying,  Gee Dad, this really hurts--we don't know if we're doing this right.' They were hesitant and a little afraid of the unknown." As a parent with little weight training experience of his own, Bob said he shared his daughters' concern about injury at first. However, once they got over the initial soreness from the weight workouts, and with lots of encouragement from Neil, Bob recalls his daughters began to get "really excited" about the new training and their newfound strength gains.<br>The addition of weight training to the program produced other changes in attitude that came as a pleasant surprise to the coaches and athletes alike.<br>"Coaching girls can be a lot different than boys," says Mark. "The guys, you can pretty much get on them, and they'll respond. With the girls, there are a lot more things to consider. If you're not careful about what you say, they could take it the wrong way and they'll have a pretty bad attitude." <br>Dale agrees. "I would echo that part of it. I've coached high school girls and boys for about 20 years, and there is no denying the fact that the girls are more emotional. It's tough, and coaches are in an adversarial role to begin with because you're trying to get these kids to do things they've never done before. But when you get through to them, it's 5 doubles and 35 RBI s a season ago. In addition to his left-handed power to all fields at the plate, this Marietta, Georgian has shown his versatility by switching from left field to right field in preparation for the 2000 campaign.<br> Last year, Stuart made a very smooth transition to play left field after serving as our designated hitter in 1998, Fred Jordan said.  This year, we asked him to move to right field and he has successfully done that. Stuart is a very good athlete and has become one of the top run-throw- and hit guys in our conference. <br>Jordan credits his choice of diet for his peak physical condition. He stays away from fast and fried foods as well as carbonated water. The Waffle House is a popular stop for breakfast, where he typically orders six egg whites, two chicken breasts, steamed hash browns and dry wheat