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You need to always stay loose and relaxed while putting forth a maximum effort  not an easy thing to do, naturally. There are at least three acceptable methods of keeping your hands, fingers and wrists loose. See Figure 10. One method is to place the thumb on the middle finger (left photo). Another method is to keep the fingers straight but loose while trying to cut through the air like a knife (middle photo). The third option is to have floppy wrists (right photo) and execute a whipping action of the wrists. Study again the photos of our sprinters. Do their wrists, hands or fingers look tight?<br> <br><br>7. Your feet should make the initial plant directly under your hips, not out in front of your body. <br><br>A huge mistake that athletes often make when trying to run faster is to reach out with their lead leg in a futile attempt to increase their stride length. When you reach with the leg in front of your body, your heel will touch the ground first. This effectively puts on the brakes and you will actually run slower. You increase your stride length with the back leg drive. You want to run tall. However, to plant the foot directly under the hips is an advanced concept. Therefore, I want to devote a whole article to that technique at a later date. I will have a 4.2 forty-athlete show you some great drills to more fully understand this concept.<br><br>8. Your forward leg should initially lift forward, not up. <br><br>The lower leg should hang before planting with your foot and toes up. Your back knee should fully extend on the follow-through, or end-of-the-leg drive. Look at Stefan and Tim once again. The photo was taken at the perfect time to see the all-out extension of their back legs. Again, coaches, if you do some video analysis from the side, you will see that most of your athletes will never straighten the back leg. Every stride will be performed with a bent back leg. There is no way you can become really fast with bent legs. Therefore, if you want to run really fast, you will have to master how to run with a back leg that looks like Stefan s.<br>Look at Figure 13. This is our famous hip flexor stretch. If you do this one right, it will help you to increase your stride length and therefore your speed. Remember, when you stretch you want to look like a sprinter. The right-hand photo shows John in a correct position. You must force your hips forward and down. You are supposed to feel the stretch in your hip flexor (groin area). If you don t, your position is incorrect.<br>Look at Figure 12. The left photo shows the toe down, while the right photo shows the toe up. You want your toe up. It will make a huge difference. Study Figures 14-15-16. This is one good way to help athletes learn the vital sprint principle of Toe Up. Detail, detail, detail.<br>A wonderful new sprint aid has just been designed to help you keep your toes up. It is called the Sprint Step. See Figure 17. It just takes