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Its organizational structure includes a president, currently Judy Horn, along with a vice president, secretary and treasurer. Its membership includes parents, coaches and other caring members of the community who want to help young athletes achieve their goals. To raise money, the Boosters hold a golf tournament in the spring, run the concession stands at home sporting events, sell merchandise (such as T-shirts, sweatshirts, umbrellas and seat cushions) and sell advertising space in the football programs.<br>At present, Smyrna High s athletes must lift in a multipurpose facility, a room that is used for many other functions, including wrestling practice. But thanks to a referendum recently passed by its school district, Smyrna High School will soon have a room exclusively devoted to sports conditioning. It will be approximately 30 by 70 feet, and will allow more students to train at once.<br>Rising Stars<br><br>Besides the overall improvement in the teams performance, there are many athletes that Lloyd says merit individual recognition. One is senior Andre Mears. A member of the varsity football and basketball teams, Mears is ranked in the top 15th percentile of his class academically.  Andre epitomizes what an Eleven should be, says Lloyd.  He s a leader in the weight room, and he is always willing to help teach and motivate new athletes in the program. He s also a hard worker, and this year improved his 40 time by 2/10ths, and added 65 pounds to his Hex bar max and 95 pounds to his parallel squat. <br>Another standout is Justin Ritter, a junior who increased his bench press 60 pounds this past year to break an APAWPA world record for his age group (255 pounds at 165 pounds bodyweight). Another junior, Thomas Wright, increased his power clean by 60 pounds and his squat by 75 pounds last year.  After a discussion with clinician Bobby Poss, I began holding a fitness competition in May that tests athletes on the bench press, parallel squat, NFL shuttle, 40-yard sprint, and the Smyrna shuttle [a 300-yard shuttle, broken down into 30-yard sprints]. The athletes received points for the weights lifted and fastest running times. This year the best performance was by Thomas Wright, followed by Justin Ritter and Andre Mears. <br>Although Smyrna had no state championship teams this year, Lloyd says he is expecting great things from the athletes who will be on the BFS program throughout their entire high school terms. Indeed, the Smyrna Eagles have already transformed themselves into state-caliber competitors ready to soar high. ek for one year? It kind of boggles the mind doesn t it? The Sky is the Limit!!<br><br>_________________________________________ing at the international level because it s toes up. It is called the Sprint Step. See Figure 17. It just takeset pavement between the curb and the bus. asked him if he wanted me to pick him up and put him on the bus. He just looked at me like,  What am I, a baby?  <br> Kacey expects to succeed in life