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.!wMberr92aŒdQU<$o#!FcCS< (¸,qHp8#EB; Sometimes an athlete will have trouble even after using the magic words and trying to mold him into the correct position.&nbsp; For these hard cases, kick them out and send them back to mama.&nbsp; Just kidding!&nbsp; Tell them to lean forward a little bit with their upper body and bring their shoulders or shoulder blades back.&nbsp; Mold them into the correct position by pressing in on their lower back and pulling back on their shoulders.&nbsp; Always continue to tell them to "spread the chest" and to "sit tall".</P> <P align=left>When the athlete can get his lower back looking great on the box or bench, then he can try the "ready" position again.&nbsp; Hopefully, he will now look like Luther in Figures 4 &amp; 5.&nbsp; If the athlete reverts back to a bad back, you must have him return to the box.&nbsp; However, this time, have him get into a bad position and then say "fix it".&nbsp; Fix it means spread the chest and sit tall.&nbsp; If he can "fix it" correctly, now say "bad back" and have him make his back bad.&nbsp; Then say "good back" and see if he can fix it and make it good.&nbsp; If this goes well, repeat this process three to five times.&nbsp; Probably only one-in-a-thousand will still have trouble after all this technique effort.&nbsp; </P> <P align=left>A quick method to fix backs can be done with a dowel or bar as shown by Luther in Figures 6 &amp; 7.&nbsp; This quick method can also be done without a bar by placing "hands on knees" with the elbows locked.&nbsp; Begin by putting pressure on the knees either with the bar, dowel or athlete's hands.&nbsp; Now, "spread the chest" and hopefully everyone will look like Luther in Figure 7.&nbsp; If not, then those athletes will need to use the box/bench technique as previously described.</P> <P align=left>Every athlete's back should look like Luther's back in Figure 8 when lifting, blocking, tackling, rebounding or doing any power movement in sports.&nbsp; Figure 9 illustrates the Straight Leg Dead Lift which is&nbsp;a top priority auxiliary exercise in the BFS program.&nbsp; This exercise will strengthen the lower back.&nbsp; Detailed information on this exercise can be found in the Hamstring Safety article.</P> <P align=left>At anytime during any lift if the lower back comes out of its tight locked-in position, an injury is more likely.&nbsp; Bad position on the rack phase of the Power Clean can cause lower back problems.&nbsp; I have seen many athletes rack the bar as shown in Figure 10.&nbsp; Compare that position with the correct rack position of figure 11 where the elbows are up and forward with the bar resting on the shoulders.&nbsp; Now the athlete can get his hips back with the lower back safely in.</P> <P align=left>Setting a bar down incorrectly happens literally thousands of times a day.&nbsp; Look at Figure 12.&nbsp; New BFS Clinician, Jeff Kirkman, shows his disapproval.&nbsp; This athlete is asking for trouble.&nbsp; He has his head down and hips up with no bend in the knees.&nbsp; Just use the same technique as picking up a weight.&nbsp; Put it down the same way.&nbsp; Spread the chest and "squat" it down.</P> <P align=left>Pictures will be added at a later date.</P>anthers played like the champions that Coach Culwell taught them that they were and at last the sweet victory came. They no longer had to believe because now they knew that they were champions with the 42-21 win over Holt