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The line between success and failure is most often so fine we don't realize it.<br>In order for an athlete to reach their Upper Limit, one must learn to control the flesh and let the mind be in total control. Think of how much more pleasant the world would be, if every one could master this. There would be no illegitimate children, murder or rape. Easier said than done, right? The first step that needs to be taken to accomplish this goal, is to start practicing mental domination over the flesh. For example, athletes can start by saying, I'm going to do three forced reps after I fail on the Squat, or any other strenuous activity. <br> The last three or four reps is what makes the muscle grow. This area of pain divides the champion from someone else who is not a champion. That's what most people lack, having the guts to go on and just say they'll go through the pain no matter what happens. Arnold Schwarzenegger<br>Any time we get out of our comfort zone, whether it be squatting 495 for 10 repetitions with the last 3 being forced reps, or sprinting a 400 meter dash, the mind must be in control in order to win. The flesh is weak, it will almost always want to relax and go back to its comfort zone. <br> Nobody wants to be mediocre in life. The mediocre are the top of the bottom, or the best of the worst, or the bottom of the top, or the worst of the best. Lou Holtz<br>There once was a young boy who wanted more than anything in the world to be a great basketball player. He dreamed of this, day and night. He worked at it as hard as any human being worked at anything, trying to develop skills and coordination. He practiced long and hard trying to improve each day. It was a very sad and disappointing day when his coach told him he didn't make the team. The next year, he tried again, but still didn't make the team. He went home to his room and cried his eyes out. He had been rejected twice and was very discouraged and upset, but he would not quit. He said his experience of having been cut taught him how to handle rejection in his adult years. He worked harder than ever to improve his skills and become a better athlete. With much perseverance, hard work and sacrifice he finally reached his goal of becoming a great basketball player. In fact, this man by the name of Michael Jordan, became the greatest basketball player to ever play the game. <br>Many times the road to becoming the best or a champion is rough and rocky. It is filled with disappointments and falls, but those who get back up after each fall and keep on going are the ones who find themselves crowned the champion in the end.<br>In closing, if you want to WIN, if you want to be a CHAMPION, you must exercise mental domination over the body. If you have not prepared yourself mentally then all your hard physical preparation will be wasted. Make sure to train your brain as well as your physical body. If you fail to choose, you choose to lose. <br><br>__________________<br><br><br>"Nobody wants to be mediocre in life. The mediocre are the top of the bottom, or the best of the worst, or the bottom of the top, or the worst of the best." Lou Holtzrusted the system and now will play QB at the next level at Eastern Kentucky University. He was the BUCS lifter of the year in '99 and 2000Brooks. When he was eventually able to handle his irreparable loss, Brooks knew he had a lot of work to do if he was to play again. He needed to get back in shape, and he needed to do it quickly.<br>The Poliquin Factor<br><br>Through his brother Fletcher, who is now a track and strength coach at Williams Colle