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Even today, if you took all the high school athletes in all the boys and girls sports, you would still find less than half doing the secret. It is very simple. If you want to make your success happen and reach your full potential as an athlete, you must do the secret. <br>Today, about 95% of college strength coaches use the secret in one form or another. The other 5% use the High Intensity System, which is the only other system to survive over the years. This was developed by Arthur Jones with his Nautilus machines. Some great football teams use this system or it s variations. Teams like Michigan, Michigan State and Penn State. Obviously, you can win with either system. With both systems, coaches coach with a passion. Both systems have their athletes work hard and both produce results. <br>As I have studied both systems, I have found one major difference. The HIT (High Intensity) strength coaches focus on training to prevent injuries with a well-conditioned body. Other coaches and BFS who use the secret, focus on performance records. How fast can you run? How high and far can you jump? How much can you lift? How much can you improve in those areas? Personal records are meticulously kept in order to verify that improvement. That is what drives throwers and most athletes. Therefore, even throwers at the HIT schools do the secret. We at BFS are the same way. We constantly measure our performance. We need concrete proof that we are getting better every day. <br>Stefan Fernholm was a Discus thrower from Sweden who came to BYU to compete at the college level. He broke the NCAA collegiate record and was a past Olympian. Stefan became a part of BFS in the mid-1980 s. We owe him a great deal. He bridged the gap between the United States and the old Soviet Union. Stefan was privy and knowledgeable about the Soviet training methods. The Soviets spent hundreds of million of dollars on developing their system. They took the secret in the early 1970 s and elevated it to new levels. They took training very seriously. Their coaches, for example, could get a doctorate in discus, sprinting or weight lifting at the University of Moscow.<br>Stefan took full advantage of this knowledge. I have never seen an athlete like Stefan. For those who saw Stefan, you know I am not blowing smoke. Stefan weighed 273 at a little over 6-1 in height. He could run a legitimate 4.3 forty and Power Clean 470 pounds from the floor. Stefan was flawless in everything he did. This is what he brought to our BFS table: Flawless technique! My partners, myself and all our clinicians became better coaches and much greater technicians because of Stefan. Perfection became our focus. By all means do the secre