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It gives teens who want to be great a better chance to do so. It helps kids be leaders. But, most of all, it sets a true course on achieving one s highest personal destiny. port of all! <br>I first met Miller in 1977 when I attended his Olympic-style weightlifting camp in Santa Fe. Miller s program was a week long crash course of classroom and gym instruction, teaching all aspects of competitive Olympic lifting. Serving as the national coaching coordinator for the US Weightlifting Federation, Miller told us how he had had visited Bulgaria and other Eastern Bloc countries to learn their secrets of success so he could share them with American lifters through his writing, lectures, training camps and personal coaching. The following year Miller was named head coach of the US Weightlifting Team at the World Championships.<br>The athletes Miller h15 Deadlift, 315 Squat and a 130 Power Clean.</P> <P><EM><STRONG>Erin Lalama</STRONG>, </EM>is a junior Volleyball player and softball player.&nbsp; She has a batting average of .380 for the year.&nbsp; Her personal best's in the weight room include a 315 Squat, 165 Push Jerk, 385 Box Squat and 135 Power Clean.</P> <P><EM><STRONG>Sara Sposetta</STRONG>, </EM>is a junior who is a cheerleader and runs track.&nbsp; She has qualified for the regional track meet in the 4 x 200 meter, 4 x 100 meter, 4 x 400 meter and the 200 meter.&nbsp; Her personal best's in the weight room include a 285 Deadlift and a 135 Power Clean.&nbsp; </P> <P><EM><STRONG>Jenny Beach</STRONG>, </EM>is a junior volleyball and track athlete.&nbsp; She is a member of the same 4 x 400 meter, 4 x 200 meter, 4 x 100 meter teams as Sara.&nbsp; She also placed fourth place in the 115 weight class at our Power Meet.&nbsp; (75 Bench, 120 Squat, 200 Deadlift with a body weight of 102 lbs.)</P> <P><EM><STRONG>Joe Andrew</STRONG>,&nbsp;</EM>an AM lifter with 100% attendance.&nbsp; One time, Joe came to his regular A.M. workout and that evening pitched a one hitter and went four for five with two doubles.&nbsp; He finished the season with a 2 &amp; 3 record, 1.47 ERA as a pitcher.&nbsp; He also plays shortstop and third base, with a .519 batting average.&nbsp; He set the school record for Triples in a season (5) and was named the teams Defensive Player of the Year.&nbsp; Joe plays Varsity golf, basketball, baseball, hockey and this fall will be trying out for our football team instead of golf.</P> <P>The personal gains of the over 100 young people (male, female, junior high and high schools) are too numerous to list, but I really believe we are on the right road and are heading for our Upper Limit.&nbsp; Thanks Bigger Faster Stronger, for all of your help and ideas! </P>eople s spirits, and I enjoy that. <br>Kacey plans to stick with wrestling through high school, maybe even college. He says he ll be looking into the Special Olympics programs and getting more involved in racing. Finishing last year with a 3.66 GPA, Kacey is academically able to have a choice in colleges, but first he plans on doing a two-year mission for his church after high school. He still has plenty of time to decide on a vocation, but one thing he s certain of is that he wants to someday have a family of his own.<br>Kacey is strong in spirit as well as body. Coach Olliff recalls one time when the team was preparing to get on the bus for a match.  I put Kacey s wheelchair onto the bus, and there was about 20 feet of wet pavement between the curb and the bus. I asked him if he wanted me to pick him up and put him on the bus. He just looked at me like,  What am I, a baby?  <br> Kacey expects to succeed in life