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Flat out simple. do not underestimate this point. This is where even Division One athletes get into trouble and where any coach can become an expert by merely looking at the lifter's knees. Simple: do the knees looklike a vertical jump?&nbsp;</P> <P>Photo #10 shows a common problem especially with girls and junior high boys. Look at the knees. They are actually touching. The solution is to yell "knees" and even slap the inside of one knee. This seems to help the athlete get a kinesthetic feel of the problem.&nbsp;</P> <P>Photo #11 shows Matt bringing down his chin which is a very common problem with even advancwhile the Trap Bar Dead Lift and the Clean each have 5 Rep Records. That s a total of 42 possible Rep Records. That s why it is easy to break so many records. Remember we are not concerned with only breaking a 1 rep max, but all kinds of Rep Records. We know, for example if we break a 3 Rep Record that our max will also soon go up. There are even 11 more auxiliary and performance records you can break. What would happen if you broke 8 personal records per week for one year? It kind of boggles the mind doesn t it? The Sky is the Limit!!<br><br>_________________________________________ing at the international level because it s toes up. It is called the Sprint Step. See Figure 17. It just takeset pavement between the curb and the bus. asked him if he wanted me to pick him up and put him on the bus. He just looked at me like,  What am I, a baby?  <br> Kacey expects to succeed in life