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I work on what you might call a  scratch where it itches basis, says Bennett.  If our leg strength is not as good as it needs to be, I'll find out whose program is doing well in that area and apply their ideas to our program. Bennett also credits his many mentors and co-workers at Ole Miss, Clemson, Virginia Tech and Marshall for teaching him the ABCs and XYZs of strength coaching.<br><br>Building the Foundation<br><br>Bennett says his core lifts for the football team are variations of the squat and the Olympic lifts, plus basic heavy-duty upper body exercises such as the bench press.  We perform back squats, front squats, power cleans, snatches, push presses and bench presses--to name just a few. It sounds like we do it all, and we eventually do in a year-round program, but the key to success for our athletes is developing a good foundation of strength. If your strength foundation is there, your speed and your power are going to improve. But, number one, you've got to have a strength base. <br>Although there are still skeptics who preach about the dangers of performing Olympic lifting exercises and squats, Bennett has found that the myths surrounding strength training are not as prevalent today as the public has become more educated about the field. The key to safety, he says, is a proper teaching progression.  I don't think that training younger athletes with lighter weights and teaching them how to move their body in a natural way is dangerous at all. <br>One important component of Bennett's conditioningUj>2~Zq;to t=zka`w3AM'{b$=iHKZ3zRb(N)7zn z,1ۇs“xƔ08~\E G}|ʯOF^X![Mj8Nfmmo[ZF =S]E,$VV6>dq޶X,j:T ѧ W! r{g8a+NgA发>_@9DZFN94EP1F]1QSO9]Gg3rzW!:9[_ fr~lUm=KD2麴H0U=܁D4Z<xA:`et=7x^cocёX`Ϋxe7zPa ҄TXOEԂʨ! 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The left photo shows the toe down, while the right photo shows the toe up. You want your toe up. It will make a huge difference. Study Figures 14-15-16. This is one good way to help athletes learn the vital sprint principle of Toe Up. Detail, detail, detail.<br>A wonderful new sprint aid has just been designed to help you keep your toes up. It is called the Sprint Step. See Figure 17. It just takesa minute or two to place on your shoes. The Sprint Step will give you a kinesthetic feel of how to keep your toes up as you sprint. Just wear it when you are working sprints, starts, sprint dril