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But gym owners loved it when women started getting into weight training because that meant more memberships for them.<br><br>BFS: You were involved in promoting the sport of women s bodybuilding from the very beginning, even becoming the editor of a magazine strictly devoted to the sport called Strength Training for Beauty. What was your interest in this activity?<br>Dayton: With three brothers I grew up with the injustice of male and female inequality continually in my face. The guys poured the cement and built the fences while I brought lemonade to them. Being the odd one out, I wanted to build the fence!<br>I got involved in the women s awareness movement very early, trying to find out why so many avenus were unavailable to women and where we fit it. Even after I acquired my master s degree, I found it difficult to find work not only because I was so young but also simply because I was a woman. For me, women s bodybuilding was just part of the sociological search by many women to find out who they really were, and at time I found it fascinating. I didn t view it as being a jock; I was coming from the academic world.<br> <br>BFS: What was the appeal of bodybuilding contests for women?<br>Dayton: They were opportunities for women to get into a beauty contest and not be judged on their genetics or how blond their hair was or how big their eyes were or how much money their parents had at least that is how I and a number of other women viewed it. For a moment in time, it brought the beauty contest into reach of every woman in the world. That was a very magical, wonderful and empowering moment.<br>But it turned out to be just a moment. Eventually Doris Barrilieua was tossed out as the token Weider female and the women s contests fell under the control of the men in the industry. Male judges picked the women they would most want to sleep with, rather than the women who most deserved the title.<br><br>BFS: Is that why the sport didn t catch on?<br>Dayton: Women s bodybuilding would have caught on fine as just another excuse to show T and A. But what happened was the women got serious about training. They wanted to see how strong they could become.<br>Not knowing any better, they trained side-by-side with the men, not only training with them and following the same diet but also eventually taking the same drugs. The women became freaks, just like the men. They didn t know that steroids have a permanent effect on women because they don t on men. Women bodybuilders paid a terrible price for this knowledge. They also lost sight of any sociological impact they might have had and became like the menxplained what we wanted to do. Shawn Little Bear told us it would be a great honor, and also wrned us that we better know what we were doing, because the title Dog Soldier is coveted and should only be given to a special and chosen few. He helped us induct the first eleven Dog Soldiers.<br> A Dog Soldier came and spoke at the ceremony.  It was very emotional, says Schultz, who had goose bumps handing out the new Dog Soldier jerseys.<br>  It was a great ceremony, says Coach Forchtner.  You could tell these guys loved it. Here were these big, strong, tough macho guys with tears of pride welling in their eyes. It was something to see. <br> The jerseys carry a responsibility, one that each Soldier has to earn.  They must maintain their level of play or lose their Dog Soldier title and relinquish their jersey. If someone hustles or outplays them on the field, the jersey goes to them, says Coach Schultz.  It s taken quite seriously. <br><br>Family and Tradition<br><br> Historically, many N