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Instead of shutting up and figuring out how to wrestle me, the kid just said something stupid. He just showed very poor sportsmanship.<br> I ve heard that a lot of kids are kind of scared of me at first. I understand---I m a little careful around the handicapped too, a little reluctant. It s a normal reaction to something different, until you get to understand it better. <br><br>Inspiring Others<br><br>Kacey has plenty of other activities besides sports. He sings in the school choir, is active in the Boy Scouts and is proving himself to be quite the actor as well. Last year he played the minor part of Montague in the school s production of Romeo and Juliet. This year, however, he plays the pivotal role of Puck in A Midsummer Night s Dream, another Shakespeare classic.<br>He also visits nearby elementary schools to talk about his disability and his accomplishments. It s a great way to educate and acquaint people with the fact that  disabled doesn t mean  unable. It s always uplifting to see people awed by Kacey s accomplishments and deciding to raise their own levels of achievements.  I ll probably always give the inspirational talks; my story lifts people s spirits, and I enjoy that. <br>Kacey plans to stick with wrestling through high school, maybe even college. He says he ll be looking into the Special Olympics programs and getting more involved in racing. Finishing last year with a 3.66 GPA, Kacey is academically able to have a choice in colleges, but first he plans on doing a two-year mission for his church after high school. He still has plenty of time to decide on a vocation, but one thing he s certain of is that he wants to someday have a family of his own.<br>Kacey is strong in spirit as well as body. Coach Olliff recalls one time when the team was preparing to get on the bus for a match.  I put Kacey s wheelchair onto the bus, and there was about 20 feet of wet pavement between the curb and the bus. I asked him if he wanted me to pick him up and put him on the bus. He just looked at me like,  What am I, a baby?  <br> Kacey expects to succeed in life