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Their biggest upset was on their opening game against Colorado State, which was ranked 19th going into Pasadena and had the advantage of having already played two games. The Bruins defeated the Rams 30-19 in a thrilling match that saw the Rams ahead going into the fourth quarter.<br>Saffer has had great memories so far playing on the 2002 UCLA team.  Other than the fact that there's a lot of experience on this line, one of the great things about this offensive line is that everybody on the line enjoys hanging out together, off the field as well as on the field, says Saffer.  This really promotes team unity and even helps us n the field because we're able to communicate better -- it seems like we know what each other is thinking before we're thinking it. This is important, because with the offensive line you have to play as a unit. <br>Asked what advice he would give young offensive linemen, Saffer replies,  You need to make sure you know your sets, and know what you're supposed to do on every play. But I would say the most important aspect of being a lineman is to be a technician-if your technique isn't good then you've got nothing. As for which college a high school athlete should aspire to, Saffer believes an athlete can't go wrong with UCLA.  UCLA has the perfect combination of athletics and academia. It's easy to get lost in athletics, but they've got such a great academic program you can really involve yourself in those classes as well. Also, our fans are loyal and support us with everything they've got. <br>Among the people Saffer wants to thank for helping him achieve his goals are Jerry Holmes, who coached Saffer when he played youth basketball, and Glenn Howell.  Glenn was a very close friend of the family who you could say tutored me in life as well as in athletics since I was in high school. I worked out with him all the time, and he's been a tremendous influence on my life. <br>With his standout abilities and attitude, Mike Saffer has earned his place in the UCLA history boo