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I m from the coal mines of West Virginia, and these guys are from the cotton mills and the tobacco farms, and most of them are first-generation students so we get some kids who are at risk academically. Once they get here, we try to work with them. We ve had many success stories of kids who were not that great in the classroom in high school, but who managed to stay in college. Here, our first priority is to get a degree, and then to play football at its highest level.<br><br>BFS: Has your emphasis on education benefitted your football team?<br> <br>JS: That s how we got better as a football team we kept our kids in school. I remember back when we started we had only one senior on our squad; now we have classes of 12-14 and the numbers are growing every year. I think when it gets to the point where we hae 20-25 seniors in the program, we can feel optimistic that we can be a strong force every year.<br><br>BFS: Are there any other advantages to going to a small college?<br><br>JS: In a Division 3 school there is room and time for players to be many things at the college. They can come here to play ball, get an education, and still enjoy the benefits that college life affords them. Our team captain, Leon Clark, was student body president. We ve had players who have been editor-in-chief of the school newspaper or involved in student government. And many are dorm advisors, which is a huge responsibility.<br><br>BFS: What about the idea that going to a bigger school would increase an athlete s chances of playing professional football how do you respond to that argument?<br><br>JS: When I recruit I emphasis that, by and large, it s four years of football and then it s over. And when those four years are over, you d better have a degree because the likelihood of going on to play professionally is very remote. Besides, if you re good enough, even at this level, the pros will know about it. <br><br>BFS: Is it true that at a smaller school players have the advantage of getting more playing time to perfect their football skills?<br><br>JS: The opportunity to play is greater here. Of course, when I first started, I could say very honestly to a recruit that he could come in and play a lot of football his first year. But, now that we have veterans around, most guys still have to sit out a year in order to get on the field.<br><br>BFS: Do you  red shirt players?<br><br>JS: We don t use the term  red shirt in Division 3. In the other divisions, once you start your football career you have five years to play four; in Division 3 you have ten semesters to play four years. An athlete could come to our school for one semester, go into the Army for four years, then come back to school and still have nine semesters left to play four years.<br><br>BFS: Tell us about your football coaching philosophy. Do you tend to put your best athletes on defense, for example?<br><br>JS: I don t think you should necessarily put all your best athletes on defense. For sure we must have a quarterback, a wide receiver and