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I asked him a ton of questions and ordered the starter package. At about Thanksgiving I told the Rudanovic brothers I was going to put them on the BFS program. <br>Because his previous workouts had not gotten the results he wanted, Kappelmeier decided to take Coach Librizzi s advice and use the BFS program  as is.  After hearing about Dr. Shepard s background in the video and hearing how he came up with the program, I figured he s the expert in this field and I couldn t go wrong by doing exactly what he says. <br>On the first day he started the BFS program, Kappelmeier was surprised to see not just two players show up, but five. By the time December came around, the group had grown to 15.  At the end of the fall semester the players asked me if I could open the weight room during the Christmas break. That was a 5-3-1 week, and they were all setting records and didn t want to miss out. They really believed in the program and thought that this was the best way to get bigger, faster and stronger. That got Kappelmeier to thinking.<br> I remembered when the season ended I had asked my coaches for any ideas to improve the team, and one of the suggestions was to have the kids earn their way onto the team.  In the past we didn t cut anybody---if a kid wanted to come out for football he was going to play. So at the end of February I told the kids that from Memorial Day until the first day of practice in mid-August, to make the team each one of them had to put in 48 hours of training---in the weight room or on the field running or doing plyos or agility work. <br>When two-a-days started and the media came out with its pre-season predictions, Kappelmeier found no mention of High Point High School. True to tradition, the Wildcats were expected to lose.<br>Their opening game was against Sparta, a team that was supposed to be one of the contenders for the league title. High Point beat them 10-3. Says Kappelmeier,  It was a very tough, physical game. And although we made some big mistakes on offense in the fourth quarter, they couldn t do a thing against our defense. We were simply physically stronger than they were. <br>Amazingly, the streak continued and the Wildcats victories started piling up. The fans poured into the stands, the crowds grew larger each week. By week eight the Wildcats were 6-1 and up against Pope John High School from Sparta. Pope John was coming into the game undefeated, and High Point needed to beat them to at least share the league title. But there was added incentive.  The previous year they had beaten us 52-13, and threw at the end. With more than 2000 fans cheering them on, the Wildcats earned their vindication with a 24-14 victory.<br>The last regular season game was against the team from Vernon, which had beaten the Wildcats 34-6 the previous year and had shared the league title. Vernon also had a larger talent pool of athletes as they had over 500 more students enrolled than High Point. But you don t win titles on paper, and the ferocious Wildcats ran, passed, blocked and tackled their way to a 28-10 win and a berth in the state playoffs.<br>The first game of the playoffs was against Northern Highlands High School in Allendale. The Wildcats wo_J<BVQi