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There are no short cuts or replacements for the three core lifts.<br>Participants also filled out questionnaires regarding any side effects such as cramping, diarrhea, nausea. None were reported. Not only has Kraemer thoroughly examined creatine, he also used it when he was a competitive athlete as did his 17-year-old daughter when she played high school tennis and his 15-year-old son when he was weight lifting. Again, no adverse side affects. Creatine does have one well-documented side effect. It causes an increase in muscle mass. When taken as prescribed it has the capacity to increase body weight by as much as seven pounds in five days.<br>Are there any long term effects? The long term effect of creatine has never been studied. However, creatine has been used in the past and without incident. Athletes in the 1940s and 1950s used it until steroids became available. They switched to steroids because they got results much faster. The Eskimos ingest up to four grams of creatine per day through their high consumption of meat and fish, twice that of Americans, and, have not had any documented ill effects.<br>How much time is considered long term? Is it 5 years, 10 years, or 50 years? The FDA has been studying creatine since it exploded onto the sports scene in 1992. Dr. Mike Stone from Appalachian State University, a leader in the field of Muscle Physiology, has been studying athletes who have been taking creatine for as long as six years. To date, there are no reports of kidney, heart or liver problems.<br>Since there is no documented evidence that creatine is a health hazard, the benefits of accelerated muscle development using creatine, far outweigh at least one alternative - using anabolic steroids. For those concerned about sending the wrong message to young adults, consider this; it is a great service to young people to let them know there is a viable alternative to using anabolic steroids.<br><br>_______________________________________<br><br>Creatine is criticized <br>for the following<br><br>1. It could have been a cause in the death of three college wrestlers who died trying to  make weight. <br><br>2. It caused muscle cramping due to water retention and dehydration.<br><br>3. Creatine has an adverse effect on liver and kidney function.<br><br>4. It is lacking in long term research.<br><br>5. To a lesser degree of concern, creatine causes stomach upset, diarrhea and nausea.<br><br><br><br>games the players would stop by on their way off the field to talk to Melissa. She had a very positive effect on the team all the way through the state championship game."&nbsp; In almost every case, if you say these technique cues, athletes will be able to have excellent bar placement during their squat.</P> <P align=left><STRONG>C. Taking the Bar off the Rack:</STRONG>&nbsp; I've seen high school athletes get all psyched to squat and get their shoulders 2-3 inches under the bar.&nbsp; Then, with an explosive movement, jam their shoulders against the bar.&nbsp; Well, jamming your shoulders against a steel bar from this 2-3 inch space will cause the athlete to bruise his neck or shoulders.&nbsp; Besides hurting, it is unlikely the athlete will have the bar placed on his shoulders correctly.</P> <P align=left>On the other end of the spectrum, I've seen athletes wimp a bar off the rack.&nbsp; Many times this athlete will not be in a good solid squatting position as he backs up to a ready stance.</P> <P align=left>A far superior way is to come under the bar in a great solid proper power position, making sure everything is correct.&nbsp; Get the bar in the groove on your shoulders.&nbsp; Look straight ahead.&nbsp; Spread the chest.&nbsp;Get in your athletic stance. Now, this next technique point is most critical.&nbsp; Get your athletic stance directly under the bar.&nbsp; Many athletes will stand&nbsp;a foot back and lean forward.&nbsp; This is aski