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Dick even allowed group-singing of Eddie Arnold s great yodeling ballad,  The Lonesome Cattle Call, which, Dan says,  would attract cats from all over Pacifica. <br>When he lived in the Bay Area, Dan was fortunate to be around many of the best throwers in the world. What did Dan take from associating, and sometimes training, with these athletes?  In the late 70s it became very obvious that to be competitive in throwing you needed to be accomplished in the Olympic lifts and the power lifts. Everybody, I mean everybody, was snatching, cleaning and jerking, and doing the three power lifts. John Powell was a world-record holder in the discus at that time, but he also competed in Olympic lifting and powerlifting. Al Feuerbach, who was a world-record holder in the shot put back then, won the national championships in Olympic lifting and the shot put during the same year. You need to be explosive and strong to throw far, and these lifts were the way to get explosive and strong. <br>While at Skyline Dan earned a scholarship to Utah State, where he majored in history.  It was a tough decision to go to Utah State because I would be leaving such a great environment for lifting and throwing, but I knew I needed to grow and to extend my vision of the world. After graduating Dan worked briefly in a cheese factory cleaning up, and it was at this point in his life that he made a critical discovery:  I don t like cleaning up burnt cheese. Thus enlightened, Dan returned to school to get a master s degree in history and religious education.<br>At his athletic best, Dan was a competitor in what many regard as the  Golden Age of Throwing.  When I was a senior I threw 190, which was just a remarkable throw  until you compared it to national records, says Dan.  It s funny, because I was up at a track meet in Las Vegas this fall and I met a college coach from Delaware. When we got to talking about the numbers that I threw on Sunday, he said I would have dominated his conference. I thought,  A 46-year-old man would have won his conference  that s amazing.  <br>Dan s athletic accomplishments and practical coaching wisdom eventually caught the attention of BFS President Dr. Greg Shepard. The first time Dan met Greg was in 1980 at the Hill Air Force Base Powerlifting meet, where Dan was competing for the Utah State Powerlifting Team. Recalls Dan,  It was about two in the morning during the deadlift competition, and I was sitting around in the warm-up room when Greg came up to me and asked me what I was opening with. I said I was starting light at 573 pounds, just to get a mark, and I think it almost knocked Greg down. After that we kept bumping into each other at competitions, and then I started working out at the Upper Limit Gym when it opened up. That was a great place to work out because the Utah Jazz trained there, and Greg and his BFS staff made certain they took their lif