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He says he ll be looking into the Special Olympics programs and getting more involved in racing. Finishing last year with a 3.66 GPA, Kacey is academically able to have a choice in colleges, but first he plans on doing a two-year mission for his church after high school. He still has plenty of time to decide on a vocation, but one thing he s certain of is that he wants to someday have a family of his own.<br>Kacey is strong in spirit as well as body. Coach Olliff recalls one time when the team was preparing to get on the bus for a match.  I put Kacey s wheelchair onto the bus, and there was about 20 feet of wet pavement between the curb and the bus. I asked him if he wanted me to pick him up and put him on the bus. He just looked at me like,  What am I, a baby?  <br> Kacey expects to succeed in lifegram just after his 8th grade year of football whereupon he started the Advanced BFS Program in earnest. Below is Conrad s detailed progress chart from 8th to 12th grde.<br>Conrad has always trained all-year round and has lways broken records in-season. Says Conrad,  You can t go backwards. You got font: bold 18px Arial; } p { font: normal 11px Arial; } .FF-HEADS { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; font-style: normal; line-height: normal; color: #C00; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; }