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Says Hamamoto,  Our weight room is packed now---there is an attitude of  This has to be done to win like the 2001 team. Before, it was like pulling teeth to get some athletes into the weight room in the off-season. <br>I asked Coach Hamamoto if he felt that his clinics were a good investment. He replied,  They were an excellent investment. BFS has taken us to a different level of competition. I wish I had contacted them years ago. We are also getting less injuries, due to BFS. <br>Hamamoto says the excitement in the school and community also continued to build as the season went on and  W s kept being added---especially as they passed into the post-season.  Our school, like any other school, really got fired up when our football team had so much success this season. The whole community did. When we made it to the stadium for the finals there was a big rally, tailgating at the stadium, thousands of people at the game. <br><br> A Special Team<br><br> Our team is a special group and we knew it from their freshman year four years ago, says Hamamoto. They were undefeated as freshmen, so there was talent there, but what a <br>group---many of them were often getting in trouble. They loved football, but to be successful they needed to stay out of trouble. But, kids are kids! They love to compete and have fun. BFS taught them how to do both and keep on task. <br>To emphasize how special his players are, Hamamoto continued,  We are one of the most successful teams this season in San Diego County. But unlike many other winning teams this year, we only had one scholarship---Andy Huang, who is going to play next year at Sacramento State. It was a bunch of very good high school players who decided they were going to be successful. They were dedicated with their workouts and they beat many teams with Division 1 football-scholarship players on them. <br><br> It s Your Loss<br><br> I would not recommend BFS clinics to any school that we play, Hamamoto joked, then continued,  I sure would recommend BFS Clinics and I have. Some coaches are just too stubborn to try,!;f9gZ(M!c;ѻǯzOX`Gv;Woh鰂<>g_"wڻc8溄 bzP+2֡fnk7EFwn organization.<BR><BR>So you like BFS's practical and simple approach to training?<BR>Exactly. And what really separates a BFS clinic from the rest is that our clinics are full of motivation and we offer hands-on training. <BR><BR>Does this attitude carry over into the BFS coaches' certification?<BR>No doubt about it. You're not going to read a book and answer a few multiple-choice questions to become a certified strength coach through BFS. You're going to get into the weight room and you're going to learn how to squat and you're going to learn how to teach others to squat. We're coaches helping coaches, and it's this hands-on approach that separates BFS from other certifications.<BR><BR>What's a typical clinic experience?<BR>Every clinic is special because it's always a thrill for me to see kids doing things they didn't t