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Finally, plug the low box squat into the BFS Set-Rep System and start breaking records.<br>The Beginning Athlete. Begin by just sitting on the low box to experience the feel of sitting lower. Next, do a low box squat with just the bar to get used to this very low position and to gain confidence. It will also teach you how to balance properly. <br>There are two variations to experiment with. First, use the box squat technique of sitting and rocking back slightly. Second, try lowering and just slightly touching the box before coming up. After gaining confidence, you may then try a parallel squat. If problems persist, then do the low box squat in place of the parallel squat. In that case, one day of the week do higher box squats and on the other squat day use the low box. However, remember this would be only for the athlete who just cannot parallel squat. The only other reason for doing box squats exclusively is aiding the rehabilitation process of an athlete after knee surgery. <br>I believe that every weight room should now have at least one low box squat. Good luck! Let us know what you think after you have had a while to train with this new depth. Your parallel squat could very well see a nice jump! |c7 Jb$!ǭ)|,`$>B8YfR=ht;.-ch Fjдm>c_9)) ?1<#WGVnq@X! c SJ^Z Cѕ:(Z2?!4SܟhE "?JLwBt(EcS (bQ@ zRw^PfSE4QE-Q@nd wish him our best in what should be a wonderful future.wme|bsVTw7 7 6T~ !%28%#QTޟniQžT?J+JY4*x`?Ҋwg=broj|GJ(ƾ!.@3cgZO S[#N۟U⨷ jG}a!rÓKn8'{EIkq&;?!6#%gJ(?+ӻ yw%"+ă&)Z! fV|-!$X\0AR ljKVOm2qݺ/+hZG'w$\(N#cR(.;RG)L(ƒJx̓T8F6Uy̸:^~Vbe\@y2^e*D#Vo'Sg=#2B3@cA$)M$Qȣ):y!Xo{ic T Tv'i6> 6sͪÊ$O@lǐx*,Ac12 z *z~91,7QHcX{cDn:)SS '!J,[QCTOd%093PiQ|]sFB I |@̜/o-1y,bfbIj޽q`rODk{?64}?u\1߽ʺpz$љ >CiӬp4qA;(G`}r$ `1A91xRa?-ly.*J(*0Yrӏ ™ }OK o1.\Kfu>y6V{y[ QeuFe;+y>reYIqq*Uj83V"rYAcRH58c̩B_IfCl}vb "](R5C*$Lmfk+]jx@;/qrSw)TLi-VJҘ݅}Q6Ok۰KG$>cO tU**M隇ç[i^im.5\@C KPy/.u @䲣|LdVoG;/Ino+/L#L[XmYX䵐mJ6CnNxf1^GH~bOe9XJԣtڼN/懜ak`6jŗ׃t ?6rk~faij,t/F,P: Xy`Đ) *Aw>Zʂ OLLhJ{ w1xMPt-guc(d"J;' '5>t=irrf@;vQ8Rؓ2ӄF\LxĚFbu͈7*{fR/Ҵh ~xC94Z# jgj#ct[IRۀU\kF"~ih '|ZOq=FXԞi.CI)N*OE8=)fo+Ƹ{RV_B3놣ob#[%7.4qɫJeps.  If you really want to get involved in this profession, you need to sit down with someone who is established in the field and let them tell it to you straight. It s a ong, hard road, and I think a lot of guys get into it and don t realize the amount of time they have to put in, says Batson, who often finds himself working 14-hour days.  It s pretty brutal--you have to have a love for it. That s for sure. <br>The advice Batson gives prospective college football players in regard to their strength program depends upon the high school and the strength program they are coming from.  Some guys come in cleaning and squatting with very good technique, and you always have pretty good bench pressers. What I generally see that needs the most work is overall c