JFIFC    $ &%# #"(-90(*6+"#2D26;=@@@&0FKE>J9?@=C  =)#)==================================================XK" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ?F|\>oE-hi^Lg«94"8d%XS?Qަ ot?q|۱)I;b*Hddñ>hP%irJ~\949qfKiB,Qk  \gcܽ@<5g&hZ5-6F{FU W5ITcVƭk{`3ǰ8X$4q#˫hWK7BA ?:~SkvGWH$91RGCW\B2kke^qu3ͼ^|'Z Kۨ$sJ: EԻǨ뮛Qkkku1E*4*#¹k=&TƊ'<׭-6.uVkv+/2IcсҁR+>TH6~O\hVcOwń*˹NYO1XZ0z c&gYLʿ.v}F;=i-cN*^wU۩ry?SQ=-UcY"A NU"^Cɗt2 {U=S?#nm].!fq)SZzk02vZ%pݢiW깩H7 C^dO ;, % ,dꋢ$Oij$?+)5)b?´NLs|5q[ k](bZT6R?`Tq *Bx7Q1N2=1{g']h][&;3}֐>$' ? l~$^\gWF#zVv%Å8yn{.pX {lKdp) 2@_ܹ*cگ[P,DJ7CBVwܢNr96lsݑE[ԑ4q1IVK3EA01Eߺw1|2դ#a^"EBV_*S8c|BMXZElB% zQE&ent. Supervise at all times. Vigilance is a key to safety.<br>2. The supervisor must be trained in the area of weight training. Never assign an unqualified individual to this area!<br>3. Don t give personal training help when you are assigned to supervise everyone.<br>4. If the room is unsupervised, it should be locked.<br>5. Check the equipment daily and put it on a maintenance schedule<br>6. Buy only from reputable dealers.<br>7. Teach all safety aspects of every exercise. <br>8. Show users how to take care of equipment.<br>9. Avoid exposed cables and other trip hazards.<br>10. Maintain appropriate spacing for exercises. Don t overcrowd.<br>11. Users must have a physical exam and signed informed consent forms.<br>12. Make sure users are dressed properly for the activity.<br>13. Make sure users warm-up and cool-down after exercising.<br>15. Use all equipment only in the specified manner intended.<br>14. Replace all equipment, such as collars, pins, barbells and weights to their proper storage area.<br>16. Check if the lifter is set and bala