JFIFC    $ &%# #"(-90(*6+"#2D26;=@@@&0FKE>J9?@=C  =)#)==================================================RK" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ?Esgp5E7oƤ qXrd~!$~vR?MED5Sy$f{ͺ.9v%mSқY p ^*mQX[s+ɻlS>P(ϯ(I ϵ>+ V6U1ڮh>R!ikuwN q=KI}s';Tm]~6{UN79Ϡ}yd3!cW}?G*ߞs] D’sH:ߒ5zG5%u ;L C;VNPX [C&]\v5-.j3GSNHf\Qj4. H!9CLlUAU`Tsܣs,Tի*h#N0V$Ѻ7JnAucp"$P|p[IrHxekf3,WO*m <L"]TӐ)44q'_MvB֐ A{m;Mm2o/1'5Nӷ& IOʓ}NX?y'^`<}oŌ.q_|hf"1x  0)/ut8\Bܺ$+w}YsmrkѼC* OޣҴ-nX^2TߏީE5xҊ(P9icvDot you correctly.<br>Figure 4 illustrates what may look like a good spotting position, but it is not. It is certainly much better than the positions in Figures 1, 2 and 3, but still some injuries could happen. It is that speed of reaction again. With your hands over the bar, you often cannot react quickly enough to prevent injury. <br>Figure 5 shows a safe position but it is not correct. Never touch the bar, as this interferes with the true ability of the lifter. If the spotter touches the bar, the rep does not count. Figure 6 showLdhxҹE;kiyIMn!!d +Ԭ[kIE̎*s[Sb9jUdu AqkU 21lCep@5p%! #h"?hs5V7M8%#hF#"RnXgҟKhO;c/"yU0"nZ$3rZZkl9Ǹ=+IuU=?yX5쵅g8rSs=NsFճWeާCyO Z>7 ''o''VzLBsO@F#\`~s܉]"mGQ[i\lus+<3c?P=W̕HTՌI'sYטTl UPMpf 7Oxdxɘ^Yoj"u IħklbgcT ȡ=)Zu>8kܑ/i wҵ[ZueȆE҅v7$XRpY3%1iÌrAڭZhB%'9 )%pd0=*ǘH9!YEX