JFIFC    $ &%# #"(-90(*6+"#2D26;=@@@&0FKE>J9?@=C  =)#)==================================================K" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ?|j5Bk̐sީItYҫ<1D.p}?J(nnX\]Am/1 {tkffU\8WC0oa6KKIo< ?3T39T($Ұ.cȖy'mһ9c4tj6*1<\P^jj)ESOY1.HVL(-H?X}(&M+9>IGZВDW?0ڐzFGI!BV(9;5jRi׆)k@=DgͧI&vը4񝑌g.qRؠC#r.-.ߗ2kH2v9g2=$G5 l*›}gJX U"nHc}Lp $$":SB-YM4v^o̒U(; FY*M-މe" WZhIii'F\8هL[xF }°Uo6[|*͜w36i ˙2N;k/$n3EQERQ@TbJ_: y=jQBn(%&;QEfQican Drug Free Power Lifting Association state championships in their first year of competition.&nbsp; Martinsville also powered its way to the "final 4" in football.&nbsp; In addition, the Artesians were state scoring and rushing champions and produced Indiana's "Mr. Football."</P> <P>As a result of this incredible success, Martinsville received an abundance&nbsp;of national recognition.&nbsp; The girls basketball team finished&nbsp; the season ranked 10th in the nation by <U>USA TODAY</U>. The volleyball team was rewarded with the #18 ranking in the country by <U>VOLLEYBALL</U> magazine.</P> <P>This recognition did not stop with team honors.&nbsp; Martinsville produced an astounding 5 All-Americans this past year.&nbsp; Israel Thompson in football, Kristy Burns and Heather Wright in volleyball, Leigh Anne Hardin in golf and April Traylor in basketball.&nbsp; Kristen Bodine was also honored as honorable mention All-American in basketball.</P> <P>Five state championships in one school year!&nbsp; These are the types of results that produce legends.&nbsp; Martinsville knows a little about the subject.&nbsp; Ten time NCAA championship coach Johnny Wooden of UCLA is a graduate of Martinsville High School and led the Artesian to the 1928 state title.&nbsp; The man, for whom ou