JFIFC    $ &%# #"(-90(*6+"#2D26;=@@@&0FKE>J9?@=C  =)#)==================================================PK" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ?ԵQHaV@zUhT Kd(*1\dRE&n`kOPi/D${IăGJSH4ܢ؂XEZŞRXڴFFTҠ)Jђ*Pޟ@+[E8  ^x+B _?YSG=+SxVbxRhZ=n@^+9=^QԭoWI6vȤ3Gyo=͢JcUfq2kFr{ڃUXW3C7PXƜv|ʯ`F3RLh33B:;%aNy ][p/ݘIںvE9#03KAMĚӷՄx1 oQ82i6 ].(AL,5xȠg$hOJJgOb"/5S?5D$sL( J?odybuilders, but assure them that they can't build big muscles despite what those freaky women physique stars look like on late-night ESPN? Do you tell them to perform ultra-high reps for toning? Do you make sure they do lots of aerobics so they won't, as one famous European weightlifting coach once remarked, "acquire the body of a man"? Or, do you do what BFS President Dr. Greg Shepard does, which is teach them how to become better, faster and stronger?<br><br>A Better Way to Train<br><br>The biggest problem for women is that weight training by traditional bodybuilding methods (i.e., two-to-three exercises for three sets by 10 reps for each body part), may produce a masculine-looking physique. Sure, without the aid of steroids women will always be smaller versions of their male counterparts, but bodybuilding can impart some undesirable attributes in women athletes. However, bodybuildi