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The following year Miller was named head coach of the US Weightlifting Team at the World Championships.<br>The athletes Miller has coached have performed well in junior, open, and masters competitions. His most accomplished athlete is Luke Klaja, now a successful physical therapist with a private practice in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Klaja was a member of the 1980 Olympic Team, competing in the 198-pound bodyweight class. Known for his speed and excellent technique, Klaja at his strongest was able to clean and jerk 429 pounds. At the Olympic Trials when Klaja was about to attempt a weight that would earn him a spot on the team, Miller recalls that his athlete turned to him for encouragement to make the lift. Bemused that his athlete needed any more incentive than making the Olympic team, Miller quipped,  Miss it and you owe me $100! To this day, Klaja remains in excellent shape, and in 1998 he broke the national masters clean and jerk record in the 45-49 age group, lifting 319 pounds in the 187-pound class.<br>As a lifter in his own right, Miller had a competitive lifting career that spanned four decades. At age 19 he broke the national teenage record in the snatch; at age 41 there were no more than a handful of US lifters stronger than Miller as he snatched 281 and clean and jerked 352 while weighing 181, despite having several surgeries that included two spinal fusions. Two years ago at age 61 he cleaned 319. Not only can Miller hold his own in the weight room against many college football players, at 61 he ran the 40 in 4.91!<br>In the 70s when he was working tirelessly as our coaching coordinator, Miller traveled extensively in foreign counties to study the training of the world s best weightlifters. At one time he was able to get a private audience with Bulgarian Head Coach Ivan Anch. Our guys like it better than our 3 or 5 rep max. I watch them carefully. Over my career, I have had very few injuries. I prepare my players. We have a big testing period for four days in June. The top player at each position gets $1,500.00.<br>The top three performers overall on our point system get an additional $2,000, $1,800 and <br>$1,600.00 for their award. The point system is based on attendance, leadership and our evaluation.<br>We also have an award for the most improved player, the best free agent and the best rehab player. All the money that is awarded goes against our salary cap. There is a big time pride factor that goes on. A lot of times, the veterans who win will give it to others.<br>It is amazing to see grown men yelling and screaming like high school kids. When Larry Allen Benched 600 pounds, everyone went crazy. <br>Dexter Coakley, who is 5-10, 250 pounds from Appalachian State, made the All-Rookie team but he wanted more size. In one year, Dexter improved his forty time from 4.35 down to 4.28 while increasing his body weight by 15 pounds. His bo