JFIFC    $ &%# #"(-90(*6+"#2D26;=@@@&0FKE>J9?@=C  =)#)==================================================9K" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ?5_[.t">Z1=xǔ?XI{xPC?f[]4Co4&ffP#x\ɨ=B[aq{cwҝ_B)7dNusma5\ΐ}yQwֹ<6ۆ^/_Q 'nKOTr43I0)#Xʤb$5:isN>Q]%-K)*-7!N [Vm!Aٷq޷f:]/œHA9v<~iΫy.ysBp0H)ѵ 3fV$Wcgʺ:`p3ib]zqo ʍUs{Tg5tʺHLb$|.×7NFkdՒԡH_9XՆ=zv'qHVGEMŃ,Ȏ8?)cخ IpҨh毥^s/ [Fxds~  %V9.;q߽sb):ht]ʺEeyxcpby }j`+cҴ͞ixō² 8''pϦ*?F|,{28G5kݚ/j{yLQڒ+T1!YI؂Ev^.u#y 2f( aлd6QO%K.zUM;[ !syV v#kSRmȮǣWRTʞǥzUw\[-FۜeF2??KK.)9# vo= ɴn'+%(Ƥ~eB ;3+L+|q; fapo OByֺ q]\95ϽbRts&sOe)i 4/#cֲ5Muxc`b1S9ZؐF'`j2ṱc2y͟vs\ļ'WhĎ[`+aͬQ?U%#ssӯZm=w+Vߙ1Kcka#Q v⺓ұ|S"jhnq+w%ֆVn^Awq,GcdnZ"RiXI .T NzU;6I ZU97M$^j&fT^йcIUP:sy_UƶSF <P>My point is that colleges could have done this in 1970. We had the knowledge. Football coaches in the 1970's would say, "Weights will screw up athletic ability or slow you down. They would also try a variety of machines, circuit train, work the upper body or just life without the other components of strength and conditioning. Two other common mistakes which held football players back were connected suprisingly to winning. First, if a team won, everything they did had to be r