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Vm`c\  {i1򊊵\f#?(qx8 TPxcްZb1.#gD8՝R 1By)OnI+YvK@ NxS gCF">f``LXz<*r}EFwa(nYczSIaO'?šz9 "$yҜz}J.@ 22q=(7-emature closing of the epiphysial (growth) plates primarily related to in young athletes? *Overall answer Correct* a) Injuries b) Hormonal influences marked - Correct c) Emotional stress ID = 153 | What is a simple way to measure progress in a stretching program? *Overall answer Correct* a) Body mass index b) Sinclair formula c) Shepard index d) Sit-and-reach test marked - Correct ID = 145 | Where should your feet be in the modified BFS track stance? *Overall answer Correct* a) Place one foot 2 inches behind the starting line and the other foot back an additional 15 inches b) Place one foot 4 to 6 inches behind the starting line and the other foot back an additional 12 inches marked - Correct c) Place one foot on the line and the other foot back an additional 6 inches d) Place one foot on the line and the other foot back an additional 12 inches ID = 137 | Best results in increasing vertical jump performance come from combining squatting and plyometrics, rather than from performing each type of training by itself: True or false? *Overall answer Correct* a) True marked - Correct b) False ID = 170 | The people you associate with and the places you go can either help you or hinder you in accomplishing your dreams. What is one more category mentioned in the Be an 11! program that can be added to this list? Select one: *Overall answer Correct* a) The products you buy b) The foods you eat c) The things you do marked - Correct ID = 97 |  Spreading the chest and what other concept go hand in hand? Select one: Overall answer wrong a) Assume a neutral spine position marked - Correct b) Knees aligned with toes not marked - Not Correct c) Lock in the lower back marked - Not Correct ID = 132 | What sport(s) would benefit most from the athlete performing a neck exercise as an auxiliary lift? *Overall answer Correct* a) Football b) Wrestling c) Distance running d) A and B only marked - Correct e) B and C only ID = 160 | What is a practical way to warn athletes about the potential dangers of lifting weights and help reduce the chance of injury? *Overall answer Correct* a) Placing weight belts in a prominent location b) Safety posters on the wall marked - Correct c) Both A and B ID = 74 | Two benefits Coach Bob Giesey gave for encouraging elementary-school-age athletes to get involved in a weight training program were that it develops competitive spirit through physical drills and builds teamwork: True or false? *Overall answer Correct* a) True marked - Correct b) False ID = 98 | In the BFS hip-flexor stretch, what does  toes aligned mean? Select one: *Overall answer Correct* a) The toes should point straight ahead marked - Correct b) The toes should point slightly out c) The toes should point slightly in ID = 93 | If a high school male athlete cannot squat 145 pounds to parallel, what program should he begin with? Select one: *Overall answer Correct* a) The BFS Readiness Program marked - Correct b) The Be An 11 Program c) The Regular BFS Program ID = 85 | During the season, is it better to lift in the morning or after practice? *Overall answer Correct* a) In the morning marked - Correct b) After practice ID = 80 | Which are ways to prolong the stage of resistance in Hans Selye s Stress Syndrome model? *Overall answer Correct* a) Using charts for motivation b) Periodically set dates for competitions against other individuals or schools, or for a new maximum c) Vary the training time and place d) All the above marked - Correct ID = 102 | Not having the knees aligned in the squat often places harmful stress on which ligament of the knee? Overall answer wrong a) Lateral collateral ligament marked - Correct b) Elevator spatula ligament marked - Correct c) Anterior collateral ligament not marked - Not Correct d) Medial collateral ligament marked - Not Correct ID = 103 | What is one advantage during the squat in holding the barbell with the thumbs around the bar? *Overall answer Correct* a) It tends to prevent the bar from slipping off the shoulders and down the back marked - Correct b) It keeps the torso more upright c) It increases the arch of the lower back ID = 150 | A firm, nonskid mat is ideal for stretching: True or false? *Overall answer Correct* a) True marked - Correct b) False ID = 119 | What is the hand position of the spotter on a spotted deadlift? *Overall answer Correct* a) The spotter presses with one hand on the lower back and hooks the other around the lifter s shoulder and chest marked - Correct b) The spotter presses with a closed fist on the lower back and hooks the other around the lifter s shoulder and chest c) The spotter presses with a closed first on the lower back and hooks the other around the lift