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Squats will have those benefits if you go low like we do. <br> I believe visualization is very important in being successful. See yourself performing perfectly first and then act on that. As far as steroids, we just don't do them. They are wrong. <br>Tom is majoring in sport science and wants to be either a football or strength coach.<br>John Kraus is a junior defensive end who is 6-2 270-pounds and went to high school in Virginia. John began lifting in the 9th grade and worked on his Power Clean form with just 75 pounds and now he can do easy sets with 340 pounds.<br> The Power Clean is the most important lift for football, stated John.  It duplicates my football moves on tackling and rolling my hips forward.<br> I believe hard work is the key to being successful. No doubt about it. The harder you work at something, the more you get out of it.<br> To psych up for a lift or max, I look at the mirror. Virginia Tech turned me down. They said I was too small. So I think about that to prove them wrong. <br>  I would never do steroids. They will mess you up in the long run a lot more than they will help. <br>John is a Forensic Chemistry Major with a 3.1 GPA.  I will work for a crime lab, said John about his future.  I will be testifying on drugs and alcohol. It's not something you want to do. I have friendj~~!x~~"x ~~#x ~~$x ~~%x ~~&x~~'x ~~(x ~)x &*x &<+x<L,x L\-x \n.x n/x 0x1x 2x 3x 4x 5x6x 7x *8x *@9x @OLLAPSIBLEPANEL.Zcs 2"\Dw=s ss sshssh2sshsshds tx ttx t4t x4tDt x DtVt hPVt`t h2`tvt h2vtthPtth ttx tthttxttx ttx tux uux u4ux4uDux DuTux Tufux fu|ux |uuxuux uux uux uu x uu!xuv"x vv#x v"v$x "v8v%x 8vNv&xNv^v'x ^vnv(x nvv)x vv*x vv+xvv,x vv-x vv.x