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People look at it as glitz and glamour. The first year it s kind of neat, but you re on the road about 125 days a year and at times you don t know what day it is-it s just a crazy, crazy lifestyle. So when the athletic director at WVU asked if I was interested in getting my old job back, I tell you, it was a pretty easy decision. <br>Johnson came back just in time, because that first year he saw his Mountaineers take on Florida in the game that would decide the National Championship. Johnson also says he was pleased to find that the college baseball players were really starting to get into strength training, which he says was recently sparked considerably by the success of Mark McGwire.  No question there-McGwire s success has made my job as a college strength coach a lot easier. <br><br>Building the Mind <br>Behind the Muscle<br>Having been involved in strength training for almost two decades, Johnson has seen a trend in using a variety of conditioning methods, rather than emphasizing just one type of training such as powerlifting.  From my perspective, most strength coaches are now incorporating multiple training stimulus in their programs. Just about every strength coach is using some type of Olympic lifting movement, some type of plyometrics-although they may not call it plyometrics, preferring the term  speed training.  <br>Over his years of experience Johnson has also seen the effect of Bigger Faster Stronger on the strength coaching profession.  Coaches all over the country are always talking about what they saw in the recent issue of BFS. Our coaches used to cut out the articles and post them on the bulletin board, and it was very motivating for us to read what an athlete in Arizona was doing as opposed to another athlete in Minnesota. I ve meet Dr. Shepard on numerous occasions and heard him speak, and he s been ahead of his time as far as getting the word out on strength and conditioning. <br>As for basic workout design, Johnson s favorite core lifts for football are the squat, bench press, push press and the power clean (which he prefers to perform from the hang).  Our biggest emphasis over that past seven years has been to develop a lot more hip, lower back, and leg strength-football is played with the lower body. Has this change in 'T6H[${x[[`XH'5rr r!rr8rmrZrrrrWrrU rr