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This too seemed like a good idea, but now we find that  the secret should be started at the seventh grade level. The Universal Gym people were smart. They recognized their machine was shifting to an antique status and they began building free weight equipment towards the end of the 1970 s.<br>Nautilus<br>Football coaches were not prepared to deal with Arthur Jones and his Nautilus machines. We have never seen such advertising before or since the Nautilus machines arrived in the early 1970 s. Thirty-six and forty-eight pages of advertising were put into journals like Scholastic Coach. Arthur Jones paid for it, so under our American capitalistic rules, he was able to say anything to anything to promote his machines. Since the vast majority of coaches had little or no experience in weight training, the advertising claims were taken in as gospel. It took about ten years for the majority of coaches to figure out that these elaborate, expensive Nautilus machines were no way for an athlete to reach his potential.<br>The throwers just laughed and again shook their heads. Their secret seemed safe. However, for the four reasons machines began to dwindle in popularity, until today machines are almost entirely used for auxiliary exercises. <br>First, high schools couldn t afford $5,000 per machine so they used free weights. At first, these coaches wished they could have a shiny blue machine, but then their kids began having some great results. If the difference between machines and free weights were not so dynamically obvious, machines would have snuffed our free weights entirely.<br>Second, the advent of the strength coach played a significant role in doing things right. Before the strength coach, it was usually administrators or the football coach who made strength-training decisions. By the early 1980 s nearly all major colleges had a strength and conditioning coach. Boyd Epley of Nebraska, an ex-track athlete, started the National Strength and Conditioning Associations (NSCA) in the late 1970 s. Books and publications like the NCSA and BFS Journal were being published. As a result, a more knowledgeable strength and football coach emerged. No longer were vast majorities of coaches gullible.<br>Machine people still get asked to speak at clinics because they pay for booth space, but recently it has become embarrassing. Football coaches will make jokes and speak out during a machine presentation. To stay in business, the machine people have softened their claims considerably. Some have also started pr.H4/"Ϯi Z)jM_ ٠Z"y? e?ђ4%?Zc,ӅpjAQl;"(k==b=I-ОqOm"I5E\?/pmy(iQl߲UN?UG+1[Z_c?ƚZKR!R+67___ek׮~Ѓ[NG:Ja!LFqN#7Ǘu%YT)Kj兹?J7:XĖ݊M4/-/)?\ޅD]TL }AmC~ߩϋ?S>FAeǒ<$X-u)b8 ^7ROHO9{ؘt,_5qQ.e'ru:x+~,7~&?qq3Z4=yY[(k 6q Uq<j0Xq$l)S_blw9vzl?+@_oڍD/͹e1Qm*ž]wR+I5Z/'ymPF -`b4p+N7W?gs+]Bu[J:0*S֧oIy"q焊j7҇n%+:7`vd^H=0odidh^ޢ]?dRt|ԪWnݎW#ִaЎ#33_-KfZUh|2 1?QyW mR &aecyt+Ʃ>\r-BkDAR@醞\^x̗41 95Y k3Oa eϥdoe#)jIOkS{&E^߉iۙ!F"V^Ze/+\zlUC22m5el$ZQz|I4>&Iee0QxVViL!@T*GM䉄dd8vW.\Pz>1C\8 dZly}_1.5zx