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Poliquin adjusted David s <br>diet - which had been carbohydrate heavy - and put him on a serious weight training program.<br>At the start of his new program, David weighed 209 pounds, with 10 percent body fat. By the end, David had increased his bodyweight to 242 pounds and reduced his body fat to six percent, a net gain of 39 pounds of lean muscle. In the procss David also hoisted some heavy weights, including a 315 power clean, a 475 squat and a 425 bench press. <br> Gaining 39 pounds of muscle mass in the off-season without the use of steroids may seem impossible, but David's gains wre all natural, says Poliquin.  You must consider that David never seriously trained the large muscle groups such as the glutes and hamstrings, and that his diet was high in refined sugar and consisted of a lot of fast foods. I would never recommend steroids to any athlete - to do so would be professional suicide. Further, the NFL does a great job of screening for banned substances. <br>In working with Coach Poliquin to step up his level of play, David found exactly what he was looking for.  What distinguishes Coach Poliqui from other trainers is that he knows the body more than other trainers, and he s able to find your weak links, says David.  He also understands football,and what you need to be successful at your position. <br>When he first started working with Poliquin and learned about the coach s plan to add so much muscle mass, David was hesitant.  But as I put on the muscle and got my body used to running with a different weight, I saw that I was able to keep my speed and be even faster than I was before, says David. Healso remarks that the extra strength helped his blocking and enabled him to handle press coverage from the cornerbacks better than he had been able to do when he was lighter.<br>In addition tocoaching David in gae ID = 170 | The people you associate with and the places you go can either help you or hinder you in accomplishing your dreams. What is one more category mentioned in the Be an 11! program that can be added to this list? Select one: *Overall answer Correct* a) The productsyou buy b) The foods you eat c) The things you do marked - Correct ID = 104 | In addition to helping the rescribed good mornings, and both Romanian and snatch-grip deadlifts. For his back muscles, David performed numerous variations of chin-ups and pull-ups.<br>One of the most effective exercise methods David was exposed to in training with Coach Poliquin was lifting chains.  That was the first time I did it and I liked the philosophy behind it, says David.  Chains force you to explode on the way up, so when you take the chains off you ll just explode right through that sticking point. This is important in football because when guys try to jam me I m going to explode right through them. <br>And explode he did. For the 2001 season, David again started in all 16 games, his 1,598 yards taking just 98 catches, and he passed the 100-yard game standard seven times. He led the NFL with 72 first downs receiving, and became only the sixth Cardinal to make consecutive 1,000-yard receiving seasons. In the Perform sprint training are Tuesday and Thursday: True or false? Overall answer wrong a) True marked - Not Correct b) False not marked - Not Correct ID = 108 | What is the most popular quick lift? Overall answer wrong a) Bench press marked - Correct b) Power clean marked - Not Correct c) Zots press marked - Correct d) Hex bar deadlift not marked - Not Correct ID = 90 | According to sport scientist Mel Siff, Ph.D., can running, jumping, striking or catching impose greater forces on the musculoskeletal system than heavy weight training? *Overall answer Correct* a) No b) Yes marked - Correct ID = 162 | At least 11 percent of children and adolescents are obese: True or false? Overall answer wrong a) True marked - Not Correct b) False not marked - Not Correct ID = 101 | Achieving at least a parallel depth in the squat offers what benefit(s)? *Overall answer Correct* a) The lower-body muscles become stronger and bigger, especially the quadriceps and hamstrings b) The