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The sobs subsided as the young woman responded,  Daddy? . . . Daddy, is that you? <br><br>The Moral: The dark street represents the world. The young woman represents all our young people--our students and athletes. The man represents all adults but especially parents, brothers sisters, teachers and coaches. The man being alone represents our individual responsibility to take action. Helping others is not somebody else s job. Jumping through the hedge represents the courage for action taken. Most people want to stay in their own, safe comfort zone. The attacker represents all of the negative influences foisted upon our youth in this sometimes dark and dreary world. These negative influences are relentless. The terrific, long battle is self explanatory. <br>The significance of the father-daughter relationship is many fold. However, for our purposes, we as coaches and teachers, should consider that our students are like sons/daughters or brothers/sisters. Many times our student/athletes have only one positive adult in their lives. You! Even the greatest parents gratefully welcome positive influences outside the home. <br>There is no greater professional calling than being a teacher. And, a great coach is a great teacher. Your position as a teacher and/or coach is sacred. Your job is to help all of your kids play the song they came on earth to play.